Looking for Southeastern train times and timetables? Simply type in your origin and destination stations and select the time you want to travel, and we'll show you times for all available trains.
If you're looking for Southeastern train times and timetables, simply type in your origin and destination stations and select the time you want to travel in the widget above, and we'll show you times for all available trains for today, tomorrow and beyond.
All of our UK train times pages show the first and last train times for the day. Most Southeastern trains follow a standard Monday-Friday and weekend service timetable, however, there are sometimes alterations to these times that could affect your journey.
Most services across the country are stopped between around 01:00 am and 05:00 am each morning to let the trains have a nap, so it's usually fairly easy to search for the first train of the day using our tool – simply type in your departure (from) and arrival (to) stations, and choose a time inside of this morning window to find the first train.
To search for the last train of the day, select a time late in the night, and use the earlier or later toggles to scroll through to find the last train of the evening. If you're one of the unfortunate ones who's missed your last train, the tool will tell you when the first train leaves the next day.
There are no set times that Southeastern operates Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak services. Off-Peak trains offer cheaper tickets for travelling on trains that are less busy. Providing good value for money, these tickets typically require you to travel at certain times of the day, days of the week or via a particular route. Most train companies will not offer Off-Peak tickets in weekday morning commuting periods (between 6:00 am and 10:00 am), and afternoon commuting periods (between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm), or during major events and holidays. Some popular routes, however, may not offer Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak tickets.
You can use our train times tool to find out whether the train you want to travel on allows you to travel with an Off-Peak or Super Off-Peak ticket. If you've purchased a regional Peak ticket, you may be allowed to travel on any service throughout the day, but be sure to check the conditions of travel for your specific ticket type.
Wave goodbye to station queues and lost tickets, and say hello to tickets on your phone.
Enjoy smoother Southeastern train journeys – go straight to the train when you use tickets on your phone. Digital tickets live on your Trainline app and are now available on most Southeastern journeys.