Trenitalia Super Economy tickets are the cheapest option for travelling on national Trenitalia trains, but they are also the least flexible. Once purchased, you won't be able to ask for an exchange or refund, or travel on a different train from the one you booked. This means that if you don't take the train you booked, you'll lose your ticket.

Change date / TimeRefundAccess another train

Trenitalia Super Economy tickets

What are Trenitalia Super Economy tickets? 

Trenitalia Super Economy Tickets are the cheapest tickets that can be purchased to travel on all long-distance trains in Italy (so all trains besides the regional ones). They're available to buy six months in advance until midnight of the 5th day before the train departs (Italian time). This means that if your train leaves on a Saturday, you'll be able to purchase tickets at the Super Economy fare (if still available) up to midnight on Monday. 

Trenitalia Super Economy tickets are available for travelling on national Trenitalia trains, including high-speed and Intercity services. They can't be combined with other reductions, except for the ones for children – you can find out more on our Trenitalia page

Who are Super Economy tickets for?

Trenitalia Super Economy tickets are often preferred by locals and budget tourists as they don't allow refunds and exchanges, but they tend to be very cheap.

We definitely recommend buying this type of ticket if you're certain that you'll be able to take a train at a specific time.

Where can I use Trenitalia Super Economy tickets?

You can use Trenitalia Super Economy tickets to travel on long-distance trains including the high-speed services Frecciarossa, Frecciargento and Frecciabianca and Intercity day and night trains.

If you plan on taking a regional train instead, you'll need to get a regional ticket with a fare type called Ordinaria.

TrainSuper Economy fare
Intercity Night


How do I buy Trenitalia Super Economy tickets on Trainline?

To purchase a Trenitalia Super Economy ticket, simply  select the "Cheapest" filter on our Journey Planner (it should be selected by default). If the Super Economy fare is available for your journey, you'll see it written in the train details tab.

You can buy Trenitalia Super Economy tickets with us in several currencies – €, £, $, A$ or C$. Our platform is linked to Trenitalia's ticketing system so you'll book the exact same trains as you would on the Trenitalia website. 

If you're booking a popular route less than two weeks before departure, it's likely that the Super Economy fare won't be available. The next cheaper fare would be the "Economy" fare – if this one isn't available either you'll need to buy a "Base" standard ticket at full price. 

Are Trenitalia Super Economy tickets paperless?

Yes, as with all Trenitalia tickets, you can use Trenitalia Super Economy tickets on your smartphone simply by downloading a PDF you'll receive by email or by telling the ticket inspector your unique ticket number (displayed in the confirmation email and on the PDF). If you're taking several trains in Italy, you can download our app and have all your tickets in one handy place. 

Good to know – if you're taking a train at the main stations in Milan, Rome, Naples and Florence, you'll have to show your paperless ticket before taking the train. In all other cases, you can board the train and then show the paperless ticket when asked to by the ticket inspector.

How do I change or refund Trenitalia Super Economy tickets?

Super Economy tickets are non-refundable and not changeable without any exceptions. If you're looking for a refundable or exchangeable ticket, check out Trenitalia Base or Economy tickets

Which trains can I travel on with a Super Economy ticket?

With the Trenitalia Super Economy fare you can travel on the famous high-speed Frecciarossa and Frecciargento trains and hop from Naples to Rome or Venice to Florence in just a few hours. Discover more on the type of trains and where you can travel with this money-saving ticket below.